Monday, July 11, 2011

Connecting to Checkpoint SPLAT using winscp

1. login to SPLAT and enter expert mode.
2. Create a user using the adduser command (eg : scpadmin)
3. At the prompt type “vi /etc/scpusers”(without quotes). Press “a” > type a username (say scpadmin) > press “Esc” > type “:wq” to save changes and exit.
4. At the prompt type “vi /etc/passwd”(without qoutes). Press “a” > Change “cpshell” to “bash” at the end of the user line. It should look like this:
“scpadmin:x:0:0::/home/user1:/bin/bash” > press “Esc” > type “:wq” to save changes and exit.
5. Now connect using winscp. you should be able explore the SPLAT.
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