Sunday, December 23, 2012

ACS patch 5-2-0-26-11 installation

You can define a repository in the web admin page as well as the CLI. It might be easier for you to create it in the web first if you are unfamiliar with ACS.

To create a repository, navigate to System Administraton > Operations > Software Repositories. At the bottom of the page will be a button for 'Create'

I’ve never had a lot of luck trying to patch ACS using TFTP or SCP, but it seems to work when I use FTP so I would recommend using FTP as the protocol for the repository.

The procedure is pretty simple:

  • Download your patch.
    • Usually it will download as {patchname}.tar.tar so you will have to rename it to{patchname}.tar.gpg
  • Place the patch on your FTP server.
  • Create a repository in ACS that points to the FTP server.
    • For instance, if your FTP server has the IP address of and you copied the patch to the root of the FTP directory you would create a repository as follows:
      • Name: patches
      • Protocol: FTP
      • Server Name:
      • Path:/
      • Username: {Your FTP username}
      • Password: {Your FTP password}
  • Log in to the ACS CLI with SSH.
  • Issue the command: acs patch install 5-2-0-26-4.tar.gpg repository patches.

This should start the FTP download and once it’s complete it will start installing the patch. Make sure you keep an eye on the command line because it will likely be asking you if it’s ok to stop the ACS service.

More information on repositories can be found here:

Good luck!!

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